Saturday, August 3, 2013

Supreme Court Orders the Release of Thousands of California Inmates

August 2, 2013 Updated Aug 2, 2013 at 4:50 PM PDT

The U.S. Supreme Court refused Friday to let California delay the release of thousands of inmates from state prisons to relieve crowding.

In June, a lower court ordered California to release about 10,000 inmates ? nearly 8 percent of all state prisoners ? by the end of the year to improve to improve medical and mental health treatment. Gov. Jerry Brown last month asked the Supreme Court to delay the order, arguing that it would jeopardize public safety.

Justice Antonin Scalia, joined by Justice Clarence Thomas, strongly dissented with the high court's 6-3 one-sentence order Friday, predicting a wave of murders and rapes in the streets of California. Justice Samuel Alito also disagreed but didn't join Scalia's dissent.

Brown also blasted the decision Friday, saying, "California must now release upon the public nearly 10,000 inmates convicted of serious crimes, about 1,000 for every city larger than Santa Ana."

There is much more to this story from NBC News, to read about it CLICK HERE.

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