Thursday, August 1, 2013

Here are the 7 companies Microsoft doesn't want its ex-Windows chief to join

GigaOm writes, Since Steven Sinofsky and Microsoft shocked the PC world by?divorcing last year, some details of Sinofsky?s severance have already surfaced. ?But now we know, thanks to Microsoft?s 10-K filing, just which companies has are off limits to Sinofsky until December 31, 2013, a ?year from his termination date, By virtue of Sinofsky?s retirement agreement, ?he ?cannot accept direct or indirect employment? with Amazon, Apple, ?EMC, Google(sgoog),Facebook, Oracle and VMware. None of these names are exactly shockers. Microsoft is taking on Apple in tablets and cloud storage; Amazon in?

Continue reading Here are the 7 companies Microsoft doesn?t want its ex-Windows chief to join at GigaOm


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